The Harddiskmuseum V Space is the online version of the museum. It is only available in two cases:

  • 1- A physic presentation of the museum.
  • 2- A special online happening.

Both events has a determined amount of time. That means that the museum is not online all the time.

The idea of the space is to get a general view of the museum contents, with all the artists involves in. One by one, each of them has their unique virtual space, like a white cube displaying the different typology of the artworks based on digital files.

The space has been design as a metaphor of the surface of the disk where the artworks are floating to be shown by the spectator. In the disk, as in the real one, you could find around, 100 files with .jpg, .mp4, .html, mp3, .gif, .fbx and so on different kind of digital files formats.

The visit is organised by typology of files, just click on the format and you will see the artist related with that one. Click on the artist for visiting his gallery.

That´s all.

Enjoy the Harddiskmuseum V Space.


This exhibition is a support to intangible culture, new media and metaphysical communication. Digital archives, online love and invisible connections..


Solimán López - HDDM founder

Alberto Roca - Designer & Developer

Alejandro Díaz - Developer